Service dogs & Eb

Wendy Hilling has Rdeb and this is her story of Teddy & Eb...

 Teddy at Crufts 2011
Happily living in Devon. I am really enjoying this wonderful life here with Peter and Teddy. We keep very busy with hobbies, training Teddy and giving talks and demonstrations.You can see Edward (Teddy) helping on canine partner edward.

Visit his web page at I love photography and art. There are so many inspirational places near to us, it is amazing.
I am loving my art work, there is so much inspiration all around me here. We caravan a lot and make friends wherever we go.

I have dystrophic recessive eb but I dont let it hold me back. I love to be out in the fresh air and see all the good that God has given us. I have canine partner Edward who has saved my life and my sanity from all the rubbish that gets thrown about my space.
I am married to the nicest man and love him to bits.He is my hero.We live in a beautiful part of the country and are always to be seen out and about with Teddy (edward).

Me & Teddy walking in the woods
It's difficult to know where to start but here goes........

Teddy came to me when he was 10 weeks old. Canine Partners decided to let me have him so young so that he could get used to being very careful with me as he grew up. He came to me to help with tasks like getting dressed, getting out of bed, doing the shopping, picking things up, opening doors and as my hernia is very bad.
He was fabulous to teach. I met the trainer once a week who gave me homework to do. When Teddy was about 10 months old I stopped breathing in the night and he woke Peter up which saved my life. We began to realize he would always wake peter up when I stopped breathing which has allowed Peter to get some well needed sleep.

Teddy helping at the cash point
He has changed my life completely. I have even been to college with him to do art. I go out with friends because they don't have to watch the toilet door. Peter is able to be my husband not my carer when we go out.
Most of all Teddy is such a good dog is such a good friend. I used to hate going out because people stared at me because of my bandages or wounds but now they only look at Teddy. He has given me the confidence to follow my dreams. He loves me for who I am and never judges me or let's me down. He has given me the ability to laugh at myself. He is the reason I get up when the pain is bad.

  Wendy graduated with canine partner Edward ~ Teddy in May 2008.

Teddy says be prepared after all it is bank holiday Monday

A dogs work is never done 

Janet Smith:

My story

Thanks for taking the time to visit our Just Giving page.
We, the Tedder Bear Hunters are taking part in a 10 Olympic sports challenge to raise funds for our charity Canine Partners.  Over the next 10 months we will be bouncing around Trampolining, high kicking in Taekwondo, powering through in Canoeing, battling it out at Table Tennis, hitting the target in Archery, understanding Handball, taking aim in Shooting, poking each other in Fencing, being blindfolded in Goal Ball and doing wheelies in Wheelchair Basketball.
We are very fortunate to have Canine Partner Teddy as our mascot along with his mum Wendy Hilling.  They have been to visit the team and give their support to what we are doing.
Please see the photos for some of the great things that Canine Partners can do and help us raise lots of money for them. 

CANINE PARTNERS: 08456 580480
Registered charity number: 803680
Registered in Scotland: SCO39050

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